Jammu and Kashmir BJP Spokesperson Anantnag /Distt.Vice president/Mr. Maqbool Ganie and BDC Chairman Achabal Shah Firdoosa have expressed serious concern over the losses caused to crops and orchards across the Kashmir division particularly in block achabal,Brakpora, Magraypora,Palpora, Gopalpora, kawarigam, Turu, Tailwani,khundoora, Traphoo,shelipora,brinty,and adjacent areas due to snowfall and urged the J&K UT administration to provide immediate compensation to the affected orchardists and farmers accordingly.
Talking with media Both said that the untimely snowfall, gusty winds and incessant rains have caused huge damages to crops and orchards in various districts of South Kashmir especially in Kulgam and Shopian districts.
They said that in the last three years the financial condition of fruit growers and farmers is already bad. We urge the LG administration for a special financial package to the affected farmers, orchardists who have suffered extensive damages due to heavy rains and snowfall that caused havoc in Valley.