Srinagar, Feb 12: The Special Police Officers (SPOs) posted in North Kashmir Range of Jammu and Kashmir Police are demanding regularization under the Home Department circular of 2009.
“According to J&K Government Home department communication no. Home/PB-III/62/G/2008 dated 25-09-2009, SPOs who have completed three years of service are entitled to regularization, provided they hold a valid State or National level certificate in any sports field,” a delegation of SPOs of NKR told GNS.
“The Range Police Headquarters in Baramulla vide office letter nos. Estt/SPO- Sports/2022/10640-41 Dated:-18-03-2022 & Estt/Reh-38/2022/15263-64 Dated: 21-09-2022 has forwarded the rehabilitation and regularization cases of deserving SPOs to the Additional Director General of Police Armed J&K for conversion as Constables in the department. Yet, these cases have languished for the past three years, exacerbating our plight,” they said.
“However, despite the provision, the regularization process has hit a snag since 2020, leaving many of us (SPOs) in limbo as our files remain pending in the office of DIG AP Kashmir (AROK) and ADGP Armed J&K.The delay has caused significant distress among our (SPO) community, especially amidst the current inflationary pressures,” they added.
SPOs have urged the authorities, including the DGP J&K R.R Swain, ADGP Armed J&K and DIG AP Kashmir (AROK), to prioritize the matter of regularization and rehabilitation in order to address their long pending demand. (GNS)