Srrinagar, Nov, 27: One of the most popular schemes introduced by the Central government has to be the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi or the PM Kisan scheme which PM Narendra Modi had first started in December 2018. Under this scheme, farmers and their families, with landholdings, receive financial support from the government.
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi or the PM Kisan scheme is also one of the many schemes by the government that require one’s Aadhaar card to be linked to the account to receive the money promptly.
On the official website, the scheme is described as, “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PIV-KISAN) is a new Central Sector Scheme to provide income support to all landholding farmers’ families in the country to supplement their financial needs for procuring various inputs related to agriculture and allied activities as well as domestic needs. Under the Scheme, the entire financial liability towards the transfer of benefit to targeted beneficiaries will be borne by the Government of India.”
All the farmers that come under the PM Kisan scheme are eligible to receive Rs 6000 per year from the government, in three installments of Rs 2000 each. To avail of the benefits of the PM Kisan scheme, all the beneficiaries need to link their Aadhaar card with their PM Kisan account.
As for the Aadhaar, it is a 12 digit Unique Identification Number (UID) issued to an Indian national by the government of India.
Here is a step-by-step process to link PM Kisan account with Aadhaar card
Step 1: Visit your nearest bank branch and carry your Aadhaar card with you.
Step 2: In presence of a bank officer, sign on the photocopy of your Aadhaar card.
Step 3: Online seeding will then be done by your bank after Aadhaar card is verified.
Step 4: Your 12-digit Aadhaar number will be filled in your account after this
Step 5: Once the process is completed, you will get an SMS as confirmation.
Source: DNA