Srinagar, Aug, 06; The Jammu and Kashmir authorities launched the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024. To help the female citizens of the Jammu and Kashmir Union territory pursue higher education the authorities introduced the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024. With the help of this scheme, female citizens can complete their education without worrying about financial troubles. The Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024 is one of the flagship schemes that is introduced to promote female education and women empowerment in the Jammu and Kashmir Union territory. All the applicants who clear the eligibility criteria official website and fill out the application form online to avail the benefits of the Anmol Beti Yojana 2024.
The Anmol Beti Yojana Jammu Kashmir was first announced by the Finance Minister of India Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman while representing the budget for Jammu and Kashmir union territory for the financial year 2024-25. The total budget for Jammu and Kashmir UT for the financial year 2024-25 is INR 1.18 lakh crore. The main aim of launching this scheme is to increase the literacy rate among the female citizens of Jammu and Kashmir UT. All the applicants who will get selected under the Anmol Beti Yojana Jammu Kashmir will receive financial assistance of INR 5000.
Key Highlights of Anmol Beti Yojana 2024
Name of the scheme: Anmol Beti Yojana 2024.
Introduced by Jammu and Kashmir UT.
Objective Provide; scholarship
Beneficiaries; Female citizens of Jammu and Kashmir
Official website; Link available soon
Eligibility Criteria;
The applicant must be a permanent resident of the Jammu and Kashmir union territory.
The applicant must be a female citizen.
The female citizen must belong to below poverty line category.
Financial Benefits;
The financial assistance of INR 5000 will be given to the selected applicants under the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024.
Required Documents;
Aadhar Card
BPL Ration Card
Family Income Certificate
School or College Admission Certificate
Previous Class Marksheet
Bank Passbook
Passport Size Photo
Mobile Number
Email ID
Selection of Beneficiary;
The applicants will be selected based on their clearance of eligibility criteria.
Only female citizens of the Jammu and Kashmir Union territory will be selected under the scholarship.
To be selected under the scholarship the applicant must belong to the BPL category.
The applicants must fill out the application form before the last date to confirm their selection under the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024.
Anmol Beti Yojana JK Application Process;
STEP 1: All the applications to clear the eligibility criteria can visit the official website to apply for the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024 online.
STEP 2: Once the applicant reaches the home page of the official website the applicant must click on the option apply here.
STEP 3: A new page will appear on your desktop screen the applicant must enter all the details that are asked and attach all the necessary documents on the application form.
STEP 4: After entering all the details the applicant must quickly review it and click on the option submit to complete their process.
What is the financial assistance to be given under the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024?
The financial assistance of INR 5000 will be given to the selected applicant under the Anmol Beti Yojana JK 2024.